Monday, July 11, 2011


Where taxes are higher if you are married w/ children vs. being single. (random)
This uber beautiful, safe city is the reflection of the people inside it: Clean, efficient, hardworking and all around lovely to spend time with.

Starting our day off with our random healthy meal:
Scrambled eggs in soy
French toast w/ raw honey for syrup (Thanks Tom!)
Peaches & cottage cheese
slices of Swiss cheese

Decided to spend the day at Zurich Lake.
Come to find a Smurf wandering in the water.
Needless to say, he never returned the same.

Perfect weather for a dip in the lake.

Prepared for a day of leisure:
Home made chicken, raw honey sandwiches, almonds, water & magazines

Zurich Lake

En route to the 2nd half of our day with our friends for a home cooked meal

View of Zurich Lake and the city from our friend Ahmed's home

Shiva taking time to relax while Ahmed prepares our meal

Champagne with my dear friend Maurice

From New York, Park City, all over Los Angeles and now our European tour.
Great traveling company.

Steamed Scallops and Prawn

Sea Devil with carrots & raddish

Our host/chef Ahmed
Thank you for welcoming us into your home!